Intergalactic book tag

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Hi everyone!!

I recently found this amazing tag that was created by @jessethereader and other booktubers on YouTube. This tag is inspired by the book Starflight by Melissa Landers.
So let’s start this tag!

  1. Spacename a book that is out of this world or a book that takes place in a world other than your own The Martian by Andy Weir takes place on Mars!
  2. Black holename a book that completely sucked you in – Wonder by R.J. Palacio, Raquel Jaramillo (click here to see my review)
  3. Lightspeedname a book that you are anticipating so much that you wish you could travel at light speed Harry Potter and the cursed child
  4. Nebula name a book with a beautiful book cover Splintered by A.G. Howard I haven’t read the book yet but I love that cover!
  5. Multiversename a companion set or a spinoff series that you loveThe Maze Runner Series by James Dashner I love this series so much!
  6. Gravity name your favourite romantic pairing that seems to have gravitational pull towards each other – as Jesse I’m going to choose Peeta and Katnis they’re my favourite couple…
  7. The big bangname a book that got you started on reading The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins it all started thanks to that book last year 🙂
  8. Asteroids name a short story or a novella that you love
  9. Galaxy name a book with multiple points of view The Urban Boys: Discovery of the Five Senses by K.N. Smith (click here to see my review)
  10. Spaceship – name a book that you’d name a spaceship after – Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling…. I think it would be a great name!

And that’s it for today! I tag JBelkBooks, BookIsGlee, HappyIndulgenceBooks, YAMidnightReads, MyFriendsAreFiction, TheHonestBookClub, TheAmazingLifeOfABookworm, TheSocialPotato, PaperFury, DelicateEternity, Wonderless Reviews, Slytherin Bookworm Guy and obviously you guys 🙂 !!!

Thanks and have a nice day,


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6 thoughts on “Intergalactic book tag

  1. Annika @ Hiding in Books Reply

    Ahh I love this tag! So nice. I think I need to pick up Very Good Lives – it sounds really good!
    I’m glad you enjoyed the Maze Runner – I really loved the first one, but the third one was kind of meh for me :/
    Annika @ Hiding in Books recently posted…#HidingReadAThon update & mini-reviews!My Profile

    1. Arvenig Reply

      You should try Very Good Lives but do not expect anything special and ficitonal… It’s like let’s get to know J.K. Rowling better!
      Everyone says that, I sort of agree (also because I don’t know where the third book starts since I read them together :)) but maybe the end wasn’t as awesome as I hoped!

  2. Lauren @ Wonderless Reviews Reply

    I just posted my answers 🙂
    Lauren @ Wonderless Reviews recently posted…BOOK TAG: IntergalacticMy Profile

  3. Lauren @ Wonderless Reviews Reply

    Deathly Hallows would be a super cool space ship name. I can’t wait for The Cursed Child either!

    Thanks for tagging me!
    Lauren @ Wonderless Reviews recently posted…Sunday Post: #2My Profile

    1. Arvenig Reply

      You’re welcome I love your blog!

      1. Lauren @ Wonderless Reviews Reply

        Thank you so much 😀 Yours is super awesome too <3
        Lauren @ Wonderless Reviews recently posted…BOOK TAG: Totally Should’ve…My Profile

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