Books On My Christmas Wishlist – Top Ten Tuesday

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Hi everyone!

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week there is a new topic for bloggers to choose and list their top ten. This week’s theme is a freebee.

For today’s Top Ten Tuesday I decided to list some books on my Chrismtmas wishlist, obviously I have a lot more books than ten on my list, but these are the ones I want the most!




Top 10 Books on My Christmas Wishlist

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1. P.S. I Still Love You by Jenny Han

I’ve already devoured and loved the first book, To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before, and I can’t wait to read the other books in the series!

2. A Study in Scarlet (Sherlock Holmes #1) by Arthur Conan Doyle

I’ve actually never read a Sherlock Holmes book and I can’t wait to read this one!

3. The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas

Everyone loves it, the movie is out and it’s been on my TBR for soo looong!



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4. Radio silence by Alice Oseman

I’ve already read I Was Born For This and Solitaire by Alice and gave htem both 5 stars, so I can’t wait to read anohter book by her!

5. This adventure ends by Emma Mills

It’s a book about a girl that moves to another state and “falls in love” with her friend group! On goodreads I found many great reviews, so I wanted to ive this a try!

6. My True Love Gave to Me: Twelve Holiday Stories by a lot of authors

It’s a cute collection of holiday themed anthologies and I can’t wait to read this book on a rainy day with a cup of tea and some gingerbread cookies ☺️.



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 7. The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson

It’s been on my TBR for so long and I can’t wait to read this book. It’s a mystery and has an avarage rating of 4.13 which is a lot on goodreads!

8. Everyday by David Levithan

It’s about someone who every day changes body, life, but still is in love with the same girl. It’s actually a part of a series and even though everyone seems to dislike this series, they all say the first boook is great!

9. A Short History of the Girl Next Door by Jared Reck

It’s YA-contemporary-romance about unrequited love. Even if the main character is a 15 year old I think (and hope) I will really like this :).

10. Undead Girl Gang by Lily Anderson 

I usually don’t read fantasy books, but this seems so cool! It’s about a group of friends who are witches. BUT it’s also a mystery! I really can’t wait to read this intriguing combination of genres!


3548904011. The Chaos of Longing by K.Y. Robinson (I know it’s the 11th but I really couldn’t narrow it down to 10)

It’s been quite a while since I’ve read a poetry book and this seems a really good modern poetry collection and has an amazing cover!



What books are on your Christmas wishlist?
If you’re doing this TTT please comment the link to your post so I can check it out!

Thank you for reading,



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6 thoughts on “Books On My Christmas Wishlist – Top Ten Tuesday

  1. SHA @ Book Princess Reviews Reply

    I hope you got a copy of The Hate U Give and every day. I love those two!

    I recently heard about Alice Oseman. I want to look more into her writing, because apparently she can do good rep.

    1. Arvenig Reply

      Yes, she is an amazing writer!
      Arvenig recently posted…Books On My Christmas Wishlist – Top Ten TuesdayMy Profile

  2. Gayathri Reply

    I have read of 4 books off your list and there are few others that intrigue me. I am glad you decided to take part in C4CC!
    Gayathri recently posted…Book review: Young Jane YoungMy Profile

  3. Alyssa Reply

    I love the To All the Boys series!!!! *cues heart eyes*

    As for my Christmas wish list, I have the two Caraval books (I adored them), Stain (as a preorder), Blank Mastermind, and finishing up a few series that I’ve already read but don’t own all of them yet. Let the season of books begin!!!! πŸ˜›

  4. Marie @ Drizzle & Hurricane Books Reply

    AAAAAAAAAAH YES Radio Silence. Sorry. I just love that book so, so very much haha, I’m glad you enjoyed Alice’s work so far and can’t wait for you to read that one πŸ™‚
    I really liked the Lara Jean series as well, I hope you’ll love it πŸ™‚
    Happy reading πŸ™‚
    Marie @ Drizzle & Hurricane Books recently posted…My 2019 most anticipated reads – the YA fantasy, sci-fi editionMy Profile

  5. Kristina Reply

    OH I am currently reading Radio Silence !! I am so loving it so far, i am about halfway in πŸ™‚ You could find my bilingual review on my blog right after I finish it ahah

    I have made a post about this, but the ONE most important book on my christmas wishlist has to be Eliza and her monsters. I find it quite fitting as it also has the same “popular on internet” vibe as radio silence, isn’t it? ahaha
    Kristina recently posted…Blog Tour ||Can you hula like Hilo Hattie? ~ Tyler Colins (+ Interview)My Profile

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