Heather Hobbs interview!

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Heather HobbsHi everyone! 27855978

Today I’m very lucky to be interviewing Heather Hobbs. Heather is an author and she’s written the book The Trouble with Family that is going to be released the 3 of March!


Arvenig: “Hi Heather! Tell us a little about yourself and your background!”

Heather: “I was born and raised in Michigan and currently live in Colorado with my husband and two dogs. I have a Bachelor’s degree in English and a Master’s degree in Library Science. I currently work full-time in a public library and I love it!”

A: “Are you an indie author? If not Who edited your book and how did you select him/her?”

H: “Getting published by a traditional publisher can be extremely difficult. My cousin is also a YA writer and we decided to create the imprint Loomis Park Press to publish our books. We are small but passionate about what we do! Along with our own books, we hope to help other Young Adult and New Adult writers get published through Loomis Park Press. We don’t charge upfront fees and include editing, book formatting, and other services free of cost. I do a lot of writing, editing, and proofreading for my job (my department publishes local history books), so I did a lot of my own editing. I also had two other people edit and proofread the story as well.”

A: “When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?”

H: “I have always loved to write. When I was very young, I would dictate stories to my mom and she would write them out for me. As I grew older, I would write short stories myself. As I moved into middle and high school, I realized that writing could be a profession and it became my dream job.”

A: “What made you decide to sit down and actually start something?”

H: “I’ve been writing short stories for as long as I can remember. I originally wrote The Trouble with Family as a short story. It ended up winning a writing contest and I decided it may be fun to turn it into a novel.”

A: “How long does it take you to write a book?”

H: “A long time! I work full-time and also stay very busy outside of work. I squeeze in time to write when I can (usually at night and on the weekends.) Every book is different, but they all take me a long time to finish!”

A: “Now let’s talk about The Trouble with Family…What was your favorite part to write and why?”

H: “To give you a better idea of what the book is about, Molly (the main character) is a fourteen-year-old that lives with her widowed father, older brother, and grandmother. The summer before she starts high school, her dad announces that he’s getting married to a woman Molly has only met one time. Her new stepmom also has three teenage children: Joseph, Clara, and Sam. So between her new family members and staring high school, she is dealing with a lot of change. As far as my favorite scenes, that is a tough question. I think writing the scenes between Molly and Max (the teenage boy next door) were a lot of fun. There are some scenes between them that are a bit flirtatious but at the same time Molly is a little suspicious of Max so I had fun with that. Also, Molly’s brother Ben is very sarcastic and funny so I enjoyed writing those sections as well.”


A: “ Is something of the book based on someone you know, or events in your own life?”

H: “The book is not based on a particular person or event in my life. However, many of the situations in the book are things that I, or people I know, can certainly relate to. Also, the story is set in a fictional small rural town in Michigan, which I based on various small towns I’m familiar with.”

A: “Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?”
H: “I think the main message would be that while change can be scary, it can also be a good thing.”

A: “What are you working on at the moment?”
H: “Right now I’m working on a novel titled Spark. It’s a YA book that is a little darker in tone than The Trouble with Family. After I finish that I’m going to start on the second Molly Anderson book. It’s going to be called Wooden Nickels and Elevator Passes and cover Molly’s first year of high school.”


A: “Will you meet any readers at book signings, conventions, or similar events?”
H: “I haven’t done any yet since this will be my first book. I would love to do that in the future though! If any readers wish to contact me I’m on Goodreads* (*see below), Twitter*, and have a blog*. I’m always happy to make new friends and answer questions!”


A: “Any last thoughts for readers?”

H: “I hope you enjoy the book, should you choose to read it! The book deals with real teen issues but also has a lot of humor. It releases March 3 but if you pre-order it’s only $0.99. If you like to read about real teen issues including dealing with step-families, siblings, and coming of age stories, consider checking out The Trouble with Family! ”


A: “That was the last but not least question! Heather thank you so much for letting me interview you! Soon I will start the 30 Book Reading Challenge 2016 and The Trouble with Family is one of the books I’m going to read!”



Twitter: https://twitter.com/HeatherHobbs01

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/48168133-heather-hobbs

Blog: heatherhobbsblog.wordpress.com

Book: http://www.amazon.com/Trouble-Family-Molly-Anderson-Series-ebook/dp/B019HRROSM

Do you want to be interviewed? Tell me in the comments and you could have the chance to be chosen!!!

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2 thoughts on “Heather Hobbs interview!

  1. Heather Hobbs Reply

    Thank you for interviewing me! It was a lot of fun

    1. Arvenig Reply

      Thank you so much for letting me do it!!!

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