How I’m Conquering Both Fiction and Nonfiction – Melina Druga

Hi everyone!

Today we have a guest: Melina Druga, an amazing author that will share with us how in 2019 she conquers both fiction and nonfiction!

Please stay tuned till the end to see her books and more info about her!



Fiction and nonfiction are two completely different beasts.  In 2019, I will be slaying both.

I will be publishing my next nonfiction book, tentatively titled Murder and Mayhem in the 1910s, and my first published novel, Angel of Mercy.  That wasn’t, however, always the plan.  Fiction – historical fiction to be precise – has been a love of mine since I was in fourth grade.  That’s when I wrote my first “novel”.  It was about two sisters in an 1810s canal town, and while it was mostly dialogue, it did spark in me the creation of many more novels and an even deeper love of bringing the past to life.  My only goal for decades was to become a published novelist.

So what happened?  This brings me back to the fact that fiction and nonfiction are two completely different beasts.

While fiction is where my passions lie, nonfiction is simply easier to write.  I can write nonfiction very effortlessly and quickly.  With nonfiction, I only need to be concerned with the quality of my information and how to make the manuscript interesting.  With fiction, there are more ways for authors lose their way.  Are the characters realistic?  How about the dialogue?  Does the plot make sense?  Is it exciting and interesting enough?  

There also is some vanity and a whole lot of fear that goes into the process as well.  I read some advice recently on the business of book publishing.  The expert said that it is possible for an author to love his or her story and characters to the point that it’s a detriment, that the more the author cares, the longer it takes a novel to reach its final draft.  I see a bit of myself in that statement.  Angel of Mercy has been rolling around in my mind for nearly a decade, as have sequels and prequels, but making that next step has been almost paralyzing. 

It doesn’t help matters that I have had my nonfiction praised while my experience with beta readers left much to be desired.  Almost all the fiction writing advice you’ll ever read says that beta readers are a must.  What the advice doesn’t tell you is how to find reliable readers.  I, thankfully, have others in my life that I could turn to help in the revision process, because all the beta readers failed to follow through with what they promised. 

I am frightened, as many authors are, by negative reviews, but I also realize that in order to follow my dream, I must take this huge leap of faith and get my work published.

Since fiction and nonfiction are different, my planning process varies considerably. 

For nonfiction, my writing process goes like this:  I get an idea, research it, organize the information I have found into chapters and sections and begin writing.

For fiction, my writing process includes copious notes.  I write character bios, detailed outlines and do extensive research before writing.

Both go through several rounds of revisions.



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Melina Druga is an author, freelance journalist, and history enthusiast.  Her focus is on the period 1890-1920 with a particular interest in WW1 and how the war changed the lives of ordinary people.   In addition to her books, Melina blogs mostly about history on her website with the goal of educating those who know little or nothing about the topic.





What are your plans for the upcoming new year? 

Whatever they are, I hope you achieve them.  I will be hard at work at my computer, working to reach the stars.



Thank you for reading,



Backlist books on my TBR – Top Ten Tuesday!

Hi everyone!

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week there is a new topic for bloggers to choose and list their top ten. This week’s theme is Backlist books I want to read.

I was today years old when I found out what backlist books are. So if you are like me, this is what it means:
“all the books a particular publisher has produced in the past that are still available”

These are some great backlist books I read:

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One of Us Is Lying  by Karen M. McManus

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ out of 5 – Review

Wonder (Wonder, #1) by R.J. Palacio

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ out of 5 – Review

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ out of 5Divisore




Backlist Books On My TBR

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1. To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before by Jenny Han

I loved the movie and I cant wait to read the book!

2. The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas

Everyone loves it and the movie is out!

3. Your Name by Makoto Shinkai, Ranmaru Kotone

I loved the anime!


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4. This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab

Gorgeous cover and I actually have the physical copy.

5. A Study in Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle

I still haven’t read a book by Conan Doyle and I’m so ashamed! I love mysteries and the Scherlock Holmes series…

6. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson


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 7. The Perks Of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
8. Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan
9. The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon
10. The Shadow Of  The Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

I borrowed this book from my grandma a tear ago, but I still haven’t read it yet 😂



Have you read any of these book?
If you’re doing this TTT please comment the link to your post so I can check it out!

Thank you for reading,



30 Books Reading Challenge 2016

Reading-Challenge-2016-1024Hi everyone!

This 30 books reading challenge for 2016 has been created by me! It’s the second year I make it and it’ll start the first of January and will end the 31st of December. At the end of this challenge there will be a giveaway for all the participants! (more info at the end of the post).

Here are the written tasks:

  1. A book that you really liked when you were little

  2. A book that you couldn’t fit in a previous challenge more “30 Books Reading Challenge 2016”