Review: One Of Us Is Lying by Karen McManus

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Hi everyone!
I recently finished One Of Us Is Lying by Karen McManus! I read this book with Chloe @ Blushing Bibliophile so make sure to check her review out! We met on goodreads and as soon as we started chatting we decided we wanted to do something together and this is the result :D!


One Of Us Is Lying by Karen M. McManus:
  • Genre: YA, Mystery
  • Pages: 361
  • My rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ out of 5
  • Plot: One of Us Is Lying is the story of what happens when five strangers walk into detention and only four walk out alive. Everyone is a suspect, and everyone has something to hide.
    Pay close attention and you might solve this.
    On Monday afternoon, five students at Bayview High walk into detention.
    Bronwyn, the brain, is Yale-bound and never breaks a rule.
    Addy, the beauty, is the picture-perfect homecoming princess.
    Nate, the criminal, is already on probation for dealing.
    Cooper, the athlete, is the all-star baseball pitcher.
    And Simon, the outcast, is the creator of Bayview High’s notorious gossip app.
    Only, Simon never makes it out of that classroom. Before the end of detention Simon’s dead. And according to investigators, his death wasn’t an accident. On Monday, he died. But on Tuesday, he’d planned to post juicy reveals about all four of his high-profile classmates, which makes all four of them suspects in his murder. Or are they the perfect patsies for a killer who’s still on the loose?Everyone has secrets, right? What really matters is how far you would go to protect them.




As soon as I finished it I wanted to give it 5 out of 5 stars but after writing the review I think I should give it 4, since there many positive things but some (just a few) negative things I have to say about it.

The book was entertaining, I was engaged from the first to the last page; in fact I read it in one day, staying up until 2 a.m…


The book was mainly character driven and I’d have liked some more crime. I liked that in the book there were always new suspects and plot twists, but I think that when I was around the 20% of the book I already knew who murdered Simon. The fact that for me it was easy to understand is also a pro because the author did say that the clues were there for the readers!

In the book there are 4 points of view, because of this at the beginning I was so confused, but then when I got used to it, it was pretty amazing to know what everyone thought and went through!



He’s never pretended to be anything other than exactly who he is.

The Characters

I have to admit that the characters are very stereotypical and unoriginal, especially in the beginning. But while reading I tried as much as possible to be them, to think like them and this helped me love them and fall in love with who they loved!

A good thing many people noticed is that there is some diversity! In fact Bronwyn is bi-racial, I know it’s just one character, but at least there is one!

I also want to say that a lot of people say that the author didn’t handle well the bipolar mother. I respect what they think obviously, but I think the author was  just trying to write from the character perspective and not from a general/personal one.



My entire family is watching Mikhail Powers Investigates together. Which is a circle of hell even Dante never imagined.

Final thoughts

I recommend this book to everyone!! Especially those who love Contemporary YA and a little bit of Mystery!

I probably loved this book so much because it’s been several months since I have felt this connected to a book and since I have “experienced” THE FEEELS!

Last but not least I want a movie of this! I don’t think they could mess up that much and I think it could have some success! probably going to regret this.

“Things’ll get worse before they get better. Well, they surely did get worse, and now there’s nowhere to go but up.”


  • Plot: 3 out ot 5
  • Characters: 3 out of 5
  • Writing: 5 out of 5 (so engaging!)
  • Interest: 5 out of 5
  • The Feels and emotions: 5 out of 5 while reading the book!
  • Ending: 5 out of 5


So what do you think about the book? Have you read it?


Thank you for reading,


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12 thoughts on “Review: One Of Us Is Lying by Karen McManus

  1. Zoe @ Stories on Stage Reply

    I completely agree! This is such an entertaining and well-written mystery and I’m so glad you enjoyed it as much as I did. 🙂 Thanks for sharing and, as always, fabulous review! <3
    Zoe @ Stories on Stage recently posted…Here Lies Daniel TateMy Profile

    1. Arvenig Reply

      Thank you, Zoe!

  2. Jamie Reply

    Haven’t read this book but I have been hearing a lot about it. Just one question though…
    Is there romance (I’m kind of obsessed with YA romance even the chick lit stuff. I know I have a problem, or maybe its an addiction?) Anyways just wondering!

    1. Arvenig Reply

      Yes, there’s romance as well!

  3. Cait @ Paper Fury Reply

    I’ve heard such good things about this book and I’m definitely intrigued!! Also really excited for books that smash feels?! ALSO I WANT TO KNOW WHO’S LYING. *pushes it up higher on the wishlist*

    1. Arvenig Reply

      I love books that smash feelings as well! Well, everyone has secrets to hide

  4. Lara Reply

    I just read this book as well and I read late into the night to finish it! It was so good! I loved it so much, although for some reason it was only a four star read for me as well. I agree the different point of views were a little confusing at the start but you get used to it pretty quickly.

    I love a good mystery and it’s not often that i read them…

    Great review!
    Lara recently posted…LIES AND MURDER… WHODUNNIT? || My Five Favourite Murder MysteriesMy Profile

    1. Arvenig Reply

      Thank you! I’m glad you liked it!

  5. kris @ lemon-notes Reply

    I’m glad you enjoyed this!! I have heard sososo much about this book. Everyone is constantly raving about it. This has me interested and, of course, a little suspicious, but I do love a good thriller. Also, I think they’re trying to draw parallels to the breakfast club with this book, but just with crime and mystery instead of just a couple kids in detention. I do absolutely adore the breakfast club though.
    Lovely review!

    1. Arvenig Reply

      Thank you! Yes, the writer actually said she was inspired by the breakfast club!

  6. Chloe Reply

    Love your review, Arvenig! <3

    1. Arvenig Reply

      Thank you!

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