K.T. Hanna guest post! + Giveaway!

Hi everyone!

Today I’m participating to the blog blitz hosted by YA Bound Book Tours. So for this post they gave me a guest post so let’s start and read until the end to see more links and the giveaway!!

Let’s start with a short intro about the book, then ther’e the guest post, about the author, some helpful things and the giveaway!


28801635Parasite by K.T. Hanna

  • Genre: YA, sci-fi
  • Released: February 2016 by Amaranthine Press

more “K.T. Hanna guest post! + Giveaway!”

Tammy Ferebee interview + Giveaway

14228854Hi everyone!26143921

Today I’m very lucky to be interviewing Tammy Ferebee. Tammy is an indie author and she’s written the book Outsiders.

Today this post is all dedicated to Tammy Ferebee a young author from USA that has recently released the book OUtsiders! buy it here

In this post you’ll find the interview, where you can find her and the book and a bookmark giveaway signed by her! more “Tammy Ferebee interview + Giveaway”