July 2017 Comment challenge #Summer17CC

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Hi everyone!
I recently entered to join the July 2017 Comment Challenge by Lonna @ FLYLēF and Alicia @ A Kernel of Nonsense.

I’m so excited to be paired to someone and comment their posts! I will comment from 5 to 10 posts. I’m looking forward to it so much and I hope I will be paired with a blog I don’t know!

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3 thoughts on “July 2017 Comment challenge #Summer17CC

  1. Lonna Reply

    Hi Arvenig, Thank you for joining the Comment Challenge. I hope you’re having a blast so far this July.

  2. The Candid Cover Reply

    This sounds like a great way to connect with other bloggers! Have fun with it! 🙂
    The Candid Cover recently posted…Release Week Blitz: Girl on the Verge by Pintip Dunn – Excerpt & GiveawayMy Profile

    1. Arvenig Reply

      It is! Thanks!

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