Featuring Authors #15: Claire H Perkins

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Hi everyone!

Today is the fifteenth post of my featuring authors series! Today I’m going to feature Claire H Perkins that has written Life Purpose: How To Find Your Reason For Living and The Dear God Letters! In this post there will be a bio about the author and her latest book, an interview and a giveaway!

To see other authors I featured click here! To be featured contact me here!


14610567About Claire H Perkins:

Claire H Perkins lives in St Albans, UK with her beloved husband Melville and Henry, a much adored Cocker Spaniel. She has spent over twenty five years learning all about human spiritual growth and self-help. Claire is a Reiki Master, an EFT Practitioner and has certification in professional stress management.
She enjoys walking along the many pretty nature trails, among the trees and by the lakes with Melville and Henry but has a longing to live somewhere that has a wonderful view of the sea which would be far more inspirational than her next door neighbour’s ever full washing line!
Aside from writing her books, Claire enjoys reading murder/mysteries set in the 1920’s and 30’s and watching all of the Avengers and X-Men movies. (She thinks there is a seven year old boy with grazed knees and undone shoes laces that has taken up residence in her body!)
Claire spent many years in the travel business in particular writing about her experiences of ranch holidays and adventures in the Southwest and Rocky Mountain states for the family business. Her favourite place and adventure of all time was whitewater rafting on the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon, she readily admits she could bore for hours on the subject.

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31667787About the book Dear God Letters:

You are not alone. Not for one minute, not for one second do you ever need to feel alone. This is a year’s journal of letters, letters to God. Not the God that is supposed to be feared, nor the God that will strike you down if you do something ‘wrong’. It’s not a religious book. This is a book that will bring you comfort, serenity and peace in a crazy world. Claire writes letters to God asking questions such as: If love is all there is, why are there terrorists? Why do I feel that I never have enough money? Is there a heaven? How to find proof of God Is death the end? Why is it so hard to be patient? How do you fall in love with your life? What do you do when you have eternity to live? The answers are astoundingly simple yet they comfort enormously…..Fear leaves, uncertainty is banished and you are left with an understanding that there is no separateness, that you are eternal and much loved. God is approachable and God is listening.

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Arvenig: Tell us a little about yourself and your background!
Claire:  I have always known that I was meant to help people but it wasn’t until I suffered awful anxiety attacks that I decided to do something about it. Writing has always been a joy to me and I always wanted to write a book that would help other people see that their life is so much more than they think but a crippling fear of what people would say and think about me stopped me for so many years. I was listening to a book by the marvelous Dr Wayne Dyer and the following just rang like a bell for me…’Don’t die with your music still in you’. Well, that was it, I thought “To hell with the fear of what other people think of me”, sat down and wrote Life Purpose in six weeks and then The Dear God Letters a few months later.
Thrilled to say both books are getting good reviews on Amazon but what really matters is I’m living my purpose by helping other people and guess what? The anxiety attacks left and never came back!

Arvenig: When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
C: As far back as I can remember I wanted to help people see that their lives and circumstances are created by the thoughts they think. I’ve read umpteen books on the subject over the last twenty five years and thought to myself that if others can write a book on the subject, why can’t I?

Arvenig: Is there a message in your story that you want readers to grasp?
C: Most definitely; to see that their life is so much more than they think it is and that we are each responsible for our own happiness and peace of mind.

Arvenig: What are you working on at the moment?
C: A book called Sorceress. Live a magical life using the power that you have – the power of being a woman; a Sorceress.
When I use the word sorceress, I’m not talking about being a ‘wannabe’ witch. I’m not talking abut waving a magic wand and mixing Eye of Newt with Hair of Toad, having a cat called Pyewacket or even twitching your nose like Samantha on Bewitched. I’m talking about the sometimes terrible power, but mostly loving energy that courses through you as a woman – The Sorceress.
The power of being a sorceress
Do you ever have those moments when you are so aware, so centred, so powerful? You know, the feeling that you are actually in charge of your life, that you are the elements, the thunder, rain, snow, lightening, wind, and sun. These are the days when your sorceress powers are strong. But you ask “How can I constantly feel this way?” “How can I feel this connection always?” How can I keep this feeling of invincibility within me when everything around me is so negative?”
Sorceress will be published Summer 2017


Thanks to her I’m able to give a giving away an ebook copy of Dear God Letters!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

To see the other authors I featured click here!
To be featured contact me here!!
Thanks for reading,

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