Series I’d Like To Finish Someday – Top Ten Tuesday

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Hi everyone!
This is my first time writing a “Top Ten Tuesday” post and I’m so excited!

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week there is a new topic for bloggers to choose and list their top ten. This week’s theme is Series I’ve Given Up on/ Series I’d Like To Finish Someday.

So I’m a bit ashamed of this, but I have a lot of series that I like (and sometimes love too) that I just didn’t finish.
Series scare me a little bit, especially when they’re more than two books because I’m so bad at reading series I just stop even if I love the books.



Series I’d Like To Finish (someday…)

1. Shades Of Magic by V.E. Schwab22055262

I loved the first book and the beginning of the second too! But then I just stopped, probably got into a reading slump, and know I’m still debating if I should skim the pages I already read or just start where I left, meanwhile I keep procrastinating.

300758022. Women Are Some Kind Of Magic by Amanda Lovelace

I read the “The Princess saves Herself In this One” so I’ll definitely continue reading Amanda Lovelace’s poetry!

143. Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy by Douglass Adams

So this is a series my dad recommended me and to be honest it doesn’t really intrigue me. But I’m sure I want to finish at least this series for him!

4. The Illuminae Files by Amie Kaufman23395680

This is a great series, I loved the first book and I still have to buy the second book (even if I don’t know how I recovered from the ending of the first).


390146165. Queen Of Kenosha by Howard Shapiro

I recently reviewed this comic and I really liked it but this time it’s the author fault, he still hasn’t published or set a publication date!
-> this is the main reason why I hate series: THE WAIT

 30969 6. Inspector Montalbano by Andrea Camilleri

I LOVE these books and they’re a lot. I used to watch every single episode of the tv show over and over just because I love the stories. So I’ll definitely end this series.

161011287. The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey

Again, I really liked the first book, but I still have to buy the next one.

163198. Miss Marple by Agatha Christie

I really like mysteries and I enjoy Agatha Christie’s writing, so I’m going to slowly finish this series as well, I hope 🙂


8535109. Poirot by Agatha Christie

Same thing as Miss Marple, I think they’re all worth reading.


3310. Lord Of The Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien

Ok, this I’m probably not going to read it soon, but I hope I’ll be ready to finish this series one day!



What about you? Are there some series you’d like to finish?
Or are there some series you don’t plan on finishing?

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10 thoughts on “Series I’d Like To Finish Someday – Top Ten Tuesday

  1. Morgane @ Bookworms Eat Brains Reply

    I like series up to 3 books after it freaks me out! WHY SO MANY BOOKS? We are never safe that it’ll always be good! and we can’t give up in the middle. I like to read Lord of The Rings, though my copy is so big it scares. Oh, and the 5th Wave that waits on my bookshelf!

  2. Evelina @ AvalinahsBooks Reply

    I haven’t even started the Shades of Magic yet 🙂 but I have the first book so I think I will start soon. And I have like one book left from the Hitchhiker’s Guide. It somehow kept going downhill as the series went and I just didn’t read the last one. Hope you get to finish The Illuminae Files soon because it was an amazing series 🙂
    Evelina @ AvalinahsBooks recently posted…[Thriller] Cavern Mysteries And Minotaurs: Lots of Promise, Middling DeliveryMy Profile

  3. Rissi @ Finding Wonderland Reply

    I really liked the film adaptation of “The 5th Wave,” but don’t think I’ll read the books. But never say never… or so that’s what they say. 😀

    Someday I might like to read a Miss Marple book since I love the Masterpiece adaptations.

    Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland. It’s great to meet you, and I look forward to visiting your blog, and all the bookish talk. 🙂
    Rissi @ Finding Wonderland recently posted…Book #GiveawayHop! | July 2018 Releases CelebrationMy Profile

  4. Rissi @ Finding Wonderland Reply

    Welcome to the fabulous fun that is Top Ten Tuesday!! I hope if you join the meme again, you continue to enjoy.

    I haven’t read any of the 5th Wave books, but did – much to my surprise, really like the film. Still, I don’t see myself picking up the books because I liked the direction the film took, and that seems enough for me. 🙂
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  5. Lashaan Balasingam Reply

    I read the first ADSOM book too and soooo need to complete that series ASAP! Same for Illuminae. I can’t imagine what Gemina and Obsidio are like. Nice list! 😀
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  6. Annemieke Reply

    Oh my gosh finish Shades of Magic and Hitchhiker’s Guide. Both are so much fun in different ways!
    Annemieke recently posted…It Is Time…a Book Buying Ban + Book Haul #34My Profile

    1. Arvenig Reply

      I’ll try and I know I love both of them!

  7. Aimee (Aimee, Always) Reply

    I really need to START both A Darker Shade of Magic and Illuminae! I even own two copies of the latter, and they’re just waiting to be read. D: On the other hand, I wasn’t a fan of The 5th Wave at all, so I know I won’t be finishing that one. D:
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  8. Briana @ Pages Unbound Reply

    So much yes to finishing The Lord of the Rings! Also the Illuminae Files.
    Briana @ Pages Unbound recently posted…Is Stress about Stats Holding Your Blog Back?My Profile

  9. Alicia @ A Kernel of Nonsense Reply

    I love the Shades of Magic series, so recommend you revisit that one. I actually reread the first two before diving into the last and don’t regret doing so.

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