July 2018 Comment Challenge

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Hi everyone!
I just signed-up to the July 2018 Comment Challenge by Lonna @ FLYLēF and Alicia @ A Kernel of Nonsense.

I’m so excited to be paired to someone and comment their posts! I will comment up to 10 posts. I’m looking forward to it so much and I hope I will be paired with a blog I don’t know!



Are you going to join this challenge? Or have you already signed up?

Thank you for reading,


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4 thoughts on “July 2018 Comment Challenge

  1. Lashaan Balasingam Reply

    A pretty cool challenge to stay active and get a lot of interaction with someone! Good luck. 😀
    Lashaan Balasingam recently posted…Battle Angel Alita Deluxe Edition 2 by Yukito KishiroMy Profile

  2. Alicia @ A Kernel of Nonsense Reply

    Thank you so much for joining us again! I hope you enjoy getting to know your partner for July. Happy commenting!

    1. Arvenig Reply

      Thank you for the opportunity! I’m so excited!

  3. Marie @ Drizzle & Hurricane Books Reply

    OHh this is such a fun challenge! I hope you’ll meet a new blogger you’ll love 🙂 x
    Marie @ Drizzle & Hurricane Books recently posted…How I avoid reading slumps (and how you can, too)My Profile

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