The High School Book Tag

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Hi everyone!
I just started school and I can’t okay? hahah. My lovely friend Chloe @Blushing Bibliophile tagged me to do the High School Book Tag! Thank you so much <3!! I used to be a “school lover” but then I went to High School and everything changed: I don’t want to see the majority of my class mates and my teachers aren’t good, at all, like they want a lot but they don’t even teach really well, so I’m justified 🙂

The Rules:

  • Thank the creators: Namitha @Teen Memoir and Jasmine @How Useful It Is
               Thank you!
  • Answer the questions
  • Add pictures! (if you want to)
  • Tag (about) 5 people




26365537A+ on the test: A book or character that makes you smile?

The book that made me only smile the most, no crying and other things like that, is Kindered Spirits by Rainbow Rowell a short cute story that I recommend to all fandoms!



Sports team: A fictional family that you want to be a part of?3

I’m going to agree with Chloe and say the Weasleys from Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling! They’re great, super cool, amazing, funny and I want to be one!




11178225Class President: A book that tries to make a difference?

I think Out Of The Easy by Ruta Saepetys in its way tries to make a difference. It deals with a girl whose mother is a prostitute and her daughter just wants a good life and a good education.




High School Sweetheart: A book character you have a crush on?

I have a crush on many, many characters from books. L from death Note is a big crush, Peeta from the Hunger Games, Jacob from Miss Peregrine, Levi from fangirl, Newt from Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them, and I’m going to stop here since the list continues for too long *sigh*. Usually they’re either weird, mysterious, a little bit evil or the cutest hufflepuff in the world!



31443393Prom Night: A book with a beautiful cover?

Not all my books have beatiful covers, many of them are just cute. *actually gets up to see her shelves*
I think the most beautiful cover on my read shelf is Note To Self by Connor Franta.

P.S. I think I don’t own any book with an ugly cover, in my opinion… I know I judge a book from its cover (but not people!)


Spring Break: A book you can always turn to when you need an escape?

This is a tough one because I don’t like to reread books, so I really don’t know. But when I need an escape from school, so I want to free my head I like to read graphic novels and YA.



MissPeregrineCoverSchool Lunch: A book character(s) you want to have lunch with?

I want to have lunch with the peculiar children from Miss Peregrine’s home for peculiar children by Ransom Riggs so much! They’re so cool and awesome!




29363501Halloween Party: A book character you would like to be for one day?

Newt from Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them by J.K. Rowling, IMAGINE PLAYING WITH ALL THOSE FANTASTIC BEASTS!



22055262School Bully: A villain you don’t want to go to school with?

I usually don’t hate villains I think they’re pretty cool! And I also don’t read many books with villains.
But I’m going to choose Holland from A Darker Shade of Magic By V.E. Schwab, I haven’t finished the book yet, so Imight change my opinion.



99561Graduation: A book with a bittersweet conclusion?

Just one?? The first that pops into my head is Looking For Alaska by John Green, I don’t want to give any spoiler, so I’m just going to say that towards the end there is a big bad plot twist but it actually ends great!

Thank you so muche for reading,
Go check her answers,


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6 thoughts on “The High School Book Tag

  1. Krysta @ Pages Unbound Reply

    This is so fun! I love that you chose to be Newt for a day. I feel like you would pack a whole lot of action into that 24 hours!

    1. Arvenig Reply

      I knowww that would be great!

  2. Chloe Reply

    Love your answers so much 🙂

    Chloe recently posted…A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. SchwabMy Profile

    1. Arvenig Reply

      ME TOO

  3. Darque Dreamer Reply

    Great tag choices!

    1. Arvenig Reply

      Thank you! <3

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