Reading Habits Book Tag

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Hi everyone!

I saw this tag @BOOKISHHBIBLIOPHILE and decided to join even if no one tagged me 
So these are my answers!

Do you eat or drink whilst reading?

Yes, I  love eating too, so every book is the perfect excuse to make myself a good cup of tea and pair it with some biscuits 

https _mashable.com_wp-content_gallery_book-lovers_reading-over-everything


Can you just stop reading or do you have to stop after a chapter/a certain amount of pages?

Well, I could if I wanted to… but let’s be real, if I like the book I’ll read as much as I can in one sitting.
For example I stayed up until 2 a.m. two nights to finish Words In Deep Blue and I had the alarm at 7 a.m. both of the times.

https _mashable.com_wp-content_gallery_book-lovers_uncle-fester

an accurate representation of me reading way past my bedtime


Breaking the spine or keeping it like new?

KEEPING IT LIKE NEW! My poor babies!
Actually one year ago I would cry if I broke the spine… I’m getting better, but I still cringe when people open my books…


Bookmark or random piece of paper?

Random piece of paper, for sure… I actually have lots of cute bookmarks and they’re all neatly organized in a mug at the end of my bookshelves, but I don’t use them sorry not sorry



Do you read ahead or skip pages?

If a certain paragraph is boring I usually skip it, then regret it, and read it again.


Multitasking: Music or TV whilst reading?

WHY WOULD I DO THAT? I can’t enjoy both of them at the same time!

also like one of my actual role models said…

https _mashable.com_wp-content_gallery_book-lovers_reading-icarly


Do you write in your books? 

Yes (I’M SORRY) I actually love it! When I start writing a review I love rereading my notes and the passages I loved!


One book at a time or several?

It depends, if they’re different (for example one is poetry and the other is a YA) I can read two at a time.

https _mashable.com_wp-content_gallery_book-lovers_rapunzel-books


Read out loud or silently in your head?

Silently, is there anyone who reads out loud?


Do you have a certain place at home for reading?

I usually read on the bed because it’s cozy and none disturbs me 🙂

https _mashable.com_wp-content_gallery_book-lovers_donnie-darko


Reading at home or everywhere?

Everywhere! Sometimes I have to take the train for one hour and that’s when I read a LOT! I love reading on trains, it’s so peaceful and inspiring.

https _mashable.com_wp-content_gallery_book-lovers_101-dalmations-books






What about you? Where do you like to read?
Do you write in your books?



Thank you for reading,



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5 thoughts on “Reading Habits Book Tag

  1. Noel Walker Reply

    The only time I’ve read aloud is if I’m reading to a little kid, other than that…..just no.

  2. Alyssa Reply

    Okay, I’m gonna totally steal the tag from you… lol XD Although I DO have to say that I love to break the book’s spines… sorry. (oof. That sounded so gruesome) But, like, only books that I really like? I know. I’m 100% confusing. Looooved that second gif! It is SO me. Or maybe every bookworm, haha. I swear that I’m that pale and dead looking.

    1. Arvenig Reply

      ahahahah, if you want you can say I tagged you :D. I’m cool with other people breaking their books spine but if someone does that on my books…

  3. Marie @ Drizzle & Hurricane Books Reply

    Okay but Words in Deep Blue was SUCH a good book, I understand that you stayed up late to finish reading it 😀
    I don’t write in my books at all, I like to keep them pristine and everything, but for some reason I like annotated copies… I just don’t like doing it on my own books hahahaha.
    Great post 😀

    1. Arvenig Reply

      thank you! 😀

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