Featuring Authors #23: Suilyaniz Cintron and her book Crying, The Nightingale

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Hi everyone!
This is the twentythird post of my featuring authors series. Today I’m going to feature Suilyaniz Cintron that has written Tokyo Girl Windswept The glorious lady Crying, the Nightingale  and more! In this post there will be a bio about the author and one of her books, and a interview!

To see other authors I featured click hereTo be featured contact me here!

Suilyaniz Cintron:

Suilyaniz Cintron (pronounced sue-ill-janiece) is a Puerto Rican author. She has been writing since she was twelve and Windswept is her first published novel. She hopes it will be the first of many. Apart from writing her interests include rock music, old movies especially silent films and reading books, mostly historical fiction.

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26208868About the book Crying. the Nightingale:

It’s 1950 and Warren Harlan’s father has died. Returning to his hometown in order to attend the funeral and comfort his grieving mother Warren is plagued by the recurring dream of a faceless woman. Lonely and seeking distraction from his loss Warren enters the Gilded Rose, a popular Los Angeles Nightclub hoping to find the phantom girl who inhabits his every thought. Just when it seems she will remain nothing but an illusion Warren lay’s eyes on the club’s star singer, a glamorous blonde called Moira Lily. And learns there is more to her than her stunning looks or angelic voice because Moira is a songbird trapped in a cage and only Warren… can set her free.

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Arvenig: Tell us a little about yourself and your background!

Suilyaniz: I’m from Ponce Puerto Rico, the oldest of four children and was named after my paternal great grandfather who passed shortly after my birth. His name was Luis and my mom inverted the letters coming up with Suil which is what everyone calls me. My full name Suilyaniz is pronounced Sue-ill-janiece.  Apart from writing I love books, old films from the classic and silent eras and have a YouTube channel called Silent movie Queen. I am also a history geek (not ashamed to admit it) and adore everything to do with the past, especially Ancient Egypt and the Edwardian era. Being called an old soul doesn’t surprise me as I’ve always felt I was born in the wrong time.

A.: When did you first realise you wanted to be a writer?

S.:  Since I was six years old I wanted to be an actress, that dream is still present but the opportunities for that in my country are limited and when told to focus on my strength which was writing I did just that and wrote my first novel Windswept which took me about two years and was released in 2014. Even though I’ve been a writer since age twelve it was that no

A.: Is there a message in your book that you want readers to grasp?

S.: If there is any particular message in either of my published books is my personal belief that when you truly love someone, those feelings never die regardless of situation or circumstance. You may be apart years or decades but nothing can ever destroy what you feel towards your husband, wife, child etc.

A.: What are you working on at the moment?

S.: I am currently working on a Puerto Rican novel set in a 19th century coffee plantation.

A.: Any last thoughts for our readers?

S.: If you are a writer never give up until you reach the top!
A.: I think that’s an amazing advice!


To see the other authors I featured click here!
To be featured contact me here!!
Thanks for reading,


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