Short review: Kindered spirits by Rainbow Rowell

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Hi everyone!

I recently finished fangirl and immediately bought this new Rainbow’s book!

Kindred SpiritsKindred Spirits by Rainbow Rowell

  • Genre: YA, short-fiction
  • Published: 2016 by Macmillans Kids UK
  • Pages: 96
  • My rating: 8 out of 10

  • Favorite quote:

“‘Everybody likes everything these days. The whole world is a nerd.’ ‘Are you mad because other people like Star Wars?’ ‘Maybe.”’

“‘However Elena changed or grew, Star Wars seemed to be there for her in a new way.'”



  • Plot: If you broke Elena’s heart, Star Wars would spill out. So when she decides to queue outside her local cinema to see the new movie, she’s expecting a celebration with crowds of people who love Han, Luke and Leia just as much as she does. What she’s not expecting is to be last in a line of only three people; to have to pee into a collectible Star Wars soda cup behind a dumpster or to meet that unlikely someone who just might truly understand the way she feels. Kindred Spirits is an engaging short story by Rainbow Rowell, author of the bestselling Eleanor & Park, Fangirl and Carry On, and is part of a handful of selected short reads specially produced for World Book Day.
  • I recommend it to: Fans, expecially fan of Star Wars.


Cute short read… I read it in an hour or so and I pretty much enjoyed it!
The book is about a fangirlin line to watch “The Force Awakens”!
Well the book was a similar and shorter version of Fangirl… It’s funnybecause I WANT MORE like this happens with every single book by Rainbow Rowell but 96 pages… Only 96!?


That’s it if you have any questions or you want to say something about the book and review comments are highly appreciated 🙂 View all my reviews on goodreads.

Hope you will read it and enjoy it as I did,


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One thought on “Short review: Kindered spirits by Rainbow Rowell

  1. Lauren @ Wonderless Reviews Reply

    Ahh, I need to read this one too! It sounds so cute and Star Wars!

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