Featuring Authors #8 + GIVEAWAY

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Hi everyone!

Today is the eight day of my new weekly series! In this series I feature authors!

To see the other authors I featured click here! To be featured contact me here!!

Today I’m going to feature Heidi Angell an author that has written The Hunters, Hell School: Fresh MeatClear Angel Chronicles 1 & 2, Royal Prince Vince and Creative Exercises to Inspire . In this post there will be a bio about the author and about one of her books, a giveaway and an interview!


About Heidi Angell:
Heidi Angell is a bibliophile, lexicomaniac and wordsmith! She is the author of The Hunters Series, The Clear Angel Chronicles, and The Hell School Series. She also created Royal Prince Vince, and Creative Exercises to Inspire,
When she is not reading and writing, she can be found spending quality time with her lovely family camping, hiking, swimming, or watching movies. Learn more about Heidi and her writing at www.heidiangell.com


About the book Hell School: Fresh Meat:

High school is hard, especially when you’re a freshman in a new town, surrounded by people you don’t understand and who don’t understand you. Sam was overwhelmed just trying to fit in. Then she is singled out with the first letter.
While some girls envy the “romantics” of this unknown admirer, Sam can tell something isn’t right. Sam wanted to just blend in, but someone’s eye is fixated on her. As the letters and bad poetry continue, so does the nagging in Sam’s stomach telling her this is not normal.
When things escalate from strange to creepy, Sam’s world becomes a nightmare. Twisted admiration is stalking her around every corner in the high school from hell…..


Arvenig: Tell us a little about yourself and your background!
Heidi: Well, I am a nerd, and love learning. I am a bit of a jack of many trades, always experimenting with new things. My latest hobby is baking, which my family absolutely loves! I have been a lifelong storyteller, dabbling in theatre, script writing, poetry, blogging, and of course writing novels!

A: When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
H: As I said, I have always known that I wanted to tell stories. In 1st grade, my teacher taught us the different parts of a book by having us publish our own books, and from that point on, I knew writing was a great way to tell stories. I have a drawer, and a cloud storage stuffed with snippets and story ideas. It has always been in my blood.

A: Is there a message in your story that you want readers to grasp?
H: Absolutely! Although the Hell School series is fiction, it is based on my real experiences being stalked in high school. Stalking is very serious, but it gets treated as a joke. Then when bad things happen, the victim is often blamed. Despite laws changing to address the issue, social consciousness has not caught up to, and in a lot of ways has taken massive steps backwards about,  the dangers of stalking. I felt that I had to share my story, so that young women (in particular) and men could see the early warning signs, know appropriate actions to take, and be able to keep themselves safe.

A: What are you working on at the moment?
C:Ah, so much! I am working on an audiobook for my Urban fantasy series, The Hunters, as well as the sequel in that series, which will be out the end of summer. I am outlining the plot for the 3rd book in The Clear Angel Chronicles, and working on the next book in the Hell School Series.

Heidi will be giving away an ebook copy of Hell School: Fresh Meat!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thanks for reading and good luck for the giveaway,


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One thought on “Featuring Authors #8 + GIVEAWAY

  1. Nancy Burgess Reply

    This sounds intriguing can’t wait to read it.

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