Featuring authors #17: S. T. Sanchez

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Hi everyone!
This is the seventeenth post of my featuring authors series. Today I’m going to feature S. T. Sanchez that has written Sunwalker! In this post there will be a bio about the author and one of her books, an interview and a giveaway!

To see other authors I featured click hereTo be featured contact me here!

About S. T. Sanchez:

S. T. Sanchez was born in Dallas, TX. She graduated from the University of North Texas with a BA of Arts in Spanish. She loves to write fantasy. She is  married and has three wonderful children. She loves hiking and spending time outdoors when she is not writing.  Her next novel “Charlie Tanner and the Piranha”  is set to come out in Dec. 2017.  “Nightwalker”, the sequel to “Sunwalker” is due to be released in Spring of 2018.

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35123228About the book Sunwalker:

Lilly is a sunwalker—a vampire born from human parents, able to walk in the daylight. She lives life as human, hiding her true identity from all those around her. One evening, she comes to the rescue of her best friend, Lex, as a vampire is about to make a meal out of her. Lilly is drawn to him, despite her desire to loathe him for almost murdering Lex, as he is the first of her kind she has ever met.

As the vampire, Tread, begins to open Lilly’s eyes to a world she has never known, Lilly must decide where she belongs. After she is betrayed by the person she loves most, Lilly is forced to submerge herself entirely in the vampire world, only to discover that Tread has a secret so shocking it could destroy them all.

Genre: Fantasy, Romance and Dystopian.

goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | kobo


Arvenig: Tell us a little about yourself and your background!
S. T. Sanchez: I am first and foremost a mother.  I have three beautiful children and they are growing up fast.  However I am also a writer.  I want my children to learn to work towards their dream and to be passionate about them.  I have a degree in Spanish.  My husband is from Mexico and it is my second home.  I don’t get to visit as much as I like due to safety concerns surrounding the area where he is from.  I am a lunch lady by day.  It gives me the perfect schedule.  I work when my kids are in school.  I get summers and holidays off, leaving me more time to write, than most.  My head is constantly swirling with ideas, so I plan on writing until the ideas stop.

A.: When did you first realise you wanted to be a writer?
I was never a very a good writer in school.  Analyzing and writing papers about poems and books I had read wasn’t anything I enjoyed.  I was in honors English but I typically came away with C’s.  Until after I graduated high school, I had never thought about becoming a writer.  In my mind I linked my English grades to my writing ability.  Which looking back on is silly.  Writing to me is more about imagination and storytelling.  Grammar can be edited.
About a year into college I just had a though one day.  I wondered if I could write a paragraph that was really descriptive and enticing.  From there I wrote my first story.  I found it was fun and that ideas flowed.  I wrote a middle grade novel called grounded.  That is beyond cheesy, and it is tucked away in a drawer somewhere never to be seen again.  But it gave me the confidence to see that I could write a story and everything went from there.
A.: This is so inspiring! I can actually relate to the first part.

A.: Is there a message in your book that you want readers to grasp?
S.: I think there are probably lots of messages you can pull from the book while reading it.  Most were probably unintentional and just happen as you write a story.  The message I’d like readers to pull out of it, as they are hopefully caught up and enjoying the story, is not to judge people before you know them.  Just because you may have had a bad interaction with one person, don’t lump the whole, race, religion or nationality in that group.  Get to know an individual before you make up your mind about that person.  And also people can change.  I don’t know that it happens very often, but it can happen.

A.: What are you working on at the moment?
S.: I am working on several projects at the moment.   I jump around a lot.  (Like I said lots of ideas swirling around in here)  The two frontrunners at the moment are Nightwalker, the sequel to Sunwalker, set to come out Spring 2018, and Charlie Tanner and the Piranha, an action/suspense novel set to debut in December 2017.  Both are in the hands of my beta readers right now.

A.: Any last thoughts for our readers?
S.: Thank you to all the readers out there, whether or not you pick up my book.  Readers make all this possible.  There is nothing more thrilling than having someone read a book you’ve poured hundreds of hours into and enjoy it.  I would ask one thing.  Please, please, please, log onto Amazon, Goodreads, Barnes and Noble, or any book site, and review a book after you finish it.  It means so much to us authors.  It only takes a minute or two and it also helps readers decide if a book is worth giving it a second glance:)


Thanks to her I’m able to give a giving away an ebook copy of Sunwalker!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

To see the other authors I featured click here!
To be featured contact me here!!
Thanks for reading,

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