Down The TBR Hole #5

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Down_The_TBR_HoleHi everyone!
Today I’m going to join the “Down The TBR Hole”, a meme by Lia @ Lost In A Story, checking 5 books on my TBR and trying to get rid of the ones I’m not going to read any time soon!

  • Go to your goodreads to-read shelf.
  • Order on ascending date added.
  • Take the first 5 (or 10 (or even more!) if youre feeling adventurous) books. Of course, if you do this weekly, you start where you left off the last time.
  • Read the synopses of the books
  • Decide: keep it or should it go?



30724132Geekarella by Ashley Poston

This is retelling of cinderella in the modern days with a sprinkle of geekiness. Even if I like geeky things I’m going to let it go because I’m not a fan of Cinderella and this type of romantic things.


10929432Archived by Victoria Schwab

I added this book a looong time ago because Jesse @Jesse The Reader recommended it and I’m going to keep it because I love Victoria Schwab and I want to try at least every first book of the series she has written! Also the cover is gorgeous…



6909544Birthmarked by Caragh M. O’Brien

I don’t think I’m going to keep it, because I want to take a break from dystopian books. So I’m going to let it go.



Tokyo Ghoul by Sui Ishida

It’s a horror manga that intrigues me a lot, but a friend of mine told me that the actual action starts around the 5th volume, so I’m going to let it go.



6457229Montrumologist by Rick Yancey

It’s the diary of Will Henry, orphaned assistant to Dr. Pellinore Warthorpe that studies monsters. I’m really intrigued so I’m going to keep it.



How did I go?



How many books do you have on your TBR? Have you ever tried to delete some of them?


Thank you for reading,



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One thought on “Down The TBR Hole #5

  1. Lara @ Words With Lara Reply

    I’m not very good at controlling my tbr… I used to be and I I do go through every now and then and clear a couple of books out, but lately its definitely getting more and more books added to it.
    Lara @ Words With Lara recently posted…Which 2018 Reading Challenges Will I Be Taking Part In?My Profile

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