Starting Again

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Hi everyone!

I just want to say that today, 1st of September, I’m going to “start again” on my blog!
I still not sure if I’m going to stay on this url, but for now these are things I’m going to change in the next days!

  • New Design! (I’m still deciding how but in this week you’ll be able to see some differences, I hope!)
  • Cooler bookstagram!
  • New schedule and planning ahead! (why? because school is just around the corner!)
  • I’ll try to be more active on other blogs!
  • Read more books and post more reviews!
  • Develop a new blogger voice!
  • New about page, mine is so oooold!

So thank you so much for reading and have a great day,

isn’t this signature gif so cool!?

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2 thoughts on “Starting Again

  1. Chloe Reply

    I’m already loving your new header image, can’t wait to see your new design! I bet it’s gonna be awesome 🙂
    Chloe recently posted…Wonder Woman: Warbringer by Leigh BardugoMy Profile

    1. Arvenig Reply

      Thank you so much, you’re so sweet!!

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